Do any of these sound familiar?
Set a new goal, all-in for a few weeks, burn out, fall back into old habits.
You want a certain result, but you can’t get it to stick.
You know the things you’re supposed to do, but you struggle to show up and do them.
In this article, you’ll learn how to identify your values and apply them to your health and fitness endeavors so you get the results you want, no burning out or unsustainable plans required.
Keep reading to find out:
-Why values are crucial in the context of nutrition and fitness.
-How to set values-based goals from the start. (Spoiler alert: This will transform your results!)
-How to break your goals down into an actionable plan so you know exactly what to do every step of the way.
About the author: Jen Comas
Jen Comas is a Girls Gone Strong co-founder and GGS Coaching Head Coach, as well as a NASM Personal Trainer and USAW Level One Weightlifting coach. She has competed in figure and trained as a powerlifter, teaches and practices yoga, and is obsessed with motorcycles, dirt biking, and downhill mountain biking. Learn about Jen on her website and follow her adventures on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.